iPloy Shared-Agent Solution
Growing companies of all types and sizes face a variety of problems; for example, they often need someone internally to deal with inbound calls. If you have a tight budget and don’t want to outsource a team of dedicated call center agents, you should probably consider our shared-agent solution.

There are two main advantages to selecting the shared agent solution: reduced cost and having staff members handle different customers. There are important drawbacks to this scenario, however: the stress shared agents can experience when attempting to remember details about different customers, and the training required by different customers.
We at iPloy Staffing are expert at addressing these issues. Furthermore, we are dedicated to providing an outsourcing strategy designed to meet each client’s unique needs. For example, we can arrange it so that our clients are charged only for the time that the shared agent is serving their customers.
Yes, whatever you need them to do, whether answering questions from customers, sending emails, or processing orders, we can see to it that they will be available when necessary.
In addition, our shared agent solution can be a boon to your company’ bottom line.. Organizations ranging the whole gamut of B2B and B2C industry sectors have benefited from the savings gained from adopting this strategy.
Flexibility is another advantage. Shared agents are available to you after-hours or on weekends, not just during regular business hours.
We can send in a share agent to handle any major surge in call volume. You can obtain 24-7, 365-days-a-year shared agent call center services.
iPloy utilize customized software and secure infrastructure to ensure that your shared agents are equipped to provide the best possible customer service. Moreover, we offer your customers different channels for communicating with our call center agents.
Where to Begin?
In order to decide whether our shared agent solution is suitable to your organization, you must first define your call type and call volume.
You need to ask yourself, “What type of inbound calls will we be getting – product questions, order-taking? Will we allow shared agents to access our website during as part of their job?”
In order to calculate the number of inbound calls your organization receives monthly, you should do the following:
1) pull call data reports; 2) examine call arrival patterns; and 3) try to remember the time of day, day of the week and seasons of the year that call volume reaches peak levels.
So is the shared agent strategy the best fit for you organization? We have found that the shared agent solution is the best and most cost-effective strategy for businesses seeking agents to deal with relatively simple calls, during periods of moderate call volume.
To learn more about the share agent solution, please email us.